William Cozart
English Tutor - New York
Tutor for Elementary, Middle and High School English Tutor for Business and Industry Advocate for the ArtsWilliam R. Cozart,  Ph. D.

Advocate for the Arts

The medium is the English.I am available to assist fine arts organizations in
  • drafting mission statements
  • drafting publicity and fund-raising brochures
  • drafting arts education materials
In these times of diminishing funding for the fine arts, of the decimation of arts programs in our public schools, and of the trivialization of the arts by the media and an indifferent political culture, we need, as never before, powerful voices who can articulate the crucial significance of the arts in our daily lives.

The arts not only disclose to us the inexhaustible mystery of the world and of ourselves, they also open up doorways in our interior lives through which we catch glimpses of the unique, unrepeatable human being that each of us is --  a being of infinite value, a being capable of resisting all the forces in today's world (economic, social, cultural, and political) that would diminish our sense of self-worth and crush our hopes.

                             It is difficult                  
            to get the news from poems
                         yet men die miserably every day
                                    for lack
            of what is found there.

                                        - William Carlos Williams

Art Saves Lives


Dr. William Cozart, PO Box 296, New York NY 10034 USA  


Website: Leif Harmsen